Family Constellations

Create Inner and Outer Movement


Constellations bring natural order and flow back into your life.


Systemic Constellations - also called Family Constellations - are about inclusion, dealing with the here and now, with that which came before us, and the patterns that keep on repeating themselves in your life.

Systemic Constellation work recognises that everything that is playing out in our lives, including repeating patterns, illness and disease, are rooted in the dynamics of our most intimate relationships. By noticing what doesn't flow in your life and where you are carrying ways of living and thinking that are not yours, you free yourself from the burdens of the past. In doing so you allow new movement to occur, resulting in profound inner and outer transformation for yourself and the entire system.


How it works

Systemic Constellations are most powerful for dealing with places in your life where you are stuck and repeating the same patterns.

They can be used very practically for decision-making or specific challenges, or we can explore the deeper dynamics within relations with our families and ancestors.

Like in nature, our focus is on finding where the natural order is not working and re-establishing harmony and flow within the Constellation.

Any change within the Constellation affects the Constellation as a whole, and the work continues to have a ripple effect in the days and weeks following the session.

As a couple's therapist, Katie creates an intimate, nurturing, safe and loving space using visualisation and constellation work. This sacred space that she masterfully creates is an essential basis for the ongoing work of deep listening that is needed when you are in crisis mode as a couple. Her awareness of hierarchies of importance and need feeds into an ability to create more clarity.”

— Abigail McDougall

What is Systemic Constellation?

“Systemic Constellation is a relational model of the invisible dynamics within an issue or challenge.”

Systemic Constellation is a therapeutic model developed by German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. It departs from mainstream therapies in that it recognises that individuals are part of ‘systems’ – within a family, at the workplace, or even cultural and tribal contexts. Furthermore, systemic constellation acknowledges ancestral legacies – loyalties and resources at the soul level.

​Often, the source of our challenges are not confined to our individual problems or circumstances alone, but are systemic and relational in nature, and sometimes, even inter-generational or historical. We are not always conscious of the gifts or challenges we carry from our ancestral line, and giving back what is not ours can free us, while gaining insight into the gifts bestowed upon us can help us embrace and manifest in powerful ways.

During a session, you will be guided to create a 'living map' of aspects or elements of the issue you are facing. This facilitated exploration brings to light the hidden dynamics, underlying entanglements and perhaps even unconscious ancestral legacies which lie at the root of the issue. This is an embodied and experience-based process which allows us to tap into the 'knowing field' and our own body's knowing. We can transcend the narratives that may bind us to reveal deeper truths and opportunities for healing, insight and direction.

Source: Creative Constellation

You can book a 1-2-1 Family Constellation session, or join one of my group workshops including my Introduction to Systemic Constellations in Bristol.

Book a Consultation